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Ski resort Mt. Buller review

The ski area eminent in Australia.
You can enjoy yourself from a beginner to an expert.

Trail Map 1 / Map 2

Mt. Buller ski resort data

Mt. Buller details

*Top: 1,790m
*Base: 1,390m
*Longest slope: 2,500m
*Total slopes: 100km
*Ski resort Area: 310ha
*Access: From Melbourne by car, about 250 km, 3 hours. From Mansfield in the base town , about 45 minutes.
*Accommodations are enriched around the ski area, but the charge is rather high. A stay under Mansfield in the base town is recommended.
*In the high season, the bus to skiing areas from Melbourne is operated.
*The balance of the degree of difficulty is good from the beginner course to the expert course.
*Very large scenery opens in the mountaintop part and can glide from there to each direction. You are a beginner, but can enjoy sliding of the good scenery.

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